What Brentwood Landlords Can Expect When the Eviction Moratorium is Lifted - article banner

Our office has recently received questions about the eviction moratorium being lifted. Some people are worried about how they’d be affected by a tsunami of evictions. Meanwhile, others are concerned about not being able to house their own family members. While some progress has been made towards recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic, we still have a long way to go.

Here’s a brief explainer on the eviction moratorium and what it means for property owners in Brentwood. If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Parks Property Management.

The Eviction Moratorium Has Been Extended until September 30

The original moratorium was set to expire at the end of June 2021. However, the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors extended it until sunset on September 30, 2021. This essentially means that property owners can’t evict residents and small businesses until October.

When are Evictions NOT Allowed in Brentwood?

A tenant can’t be evicted through no-fault or just because the landlord wants to.

A resident can’t be evicted if their immediate family member moves in because they were affected by the pandemic. This family member could be a parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, or spouse/partner that’s not included in the lease.

A renter can’t be evicted because they couldn’t pay all or part of their rent due to a Covid-related hardship. However, they must provide the landlord with a written declaration of this hardship within 14 days of the rent being due.

If the tenant was given an eviction notice on or after February 1, 2021, they are also protected from eviction until September 30—as long as they’ve paid at least 25% of their rent due by June 30, 2021.

When can Brentwood Owners Evict Their Tenants?

The current eviction moratorium doesn’t prevent all evictions though. We suggest that you consult with Parks Property Management if you have reasons to evict your tenant.

Tenants can still be evicted to protect the health and safety of the property owner or another tenant. For instance, if there is a case of domestic violence, the landlord can evict the perpetrator to help the survivors.

As the property owner, you might have an immediate family member (partner/spouse, child, grandchild, parent, or grandparent) who needs a home. You may be allowed to evict your current tenant in order to house them.

Renters may also be evicted when the landlord removes their property from the rental market, but only when authorized by the Ellis Act (Government Code section 7060 et seq.)

What will happen after the Eviction Moratorium ends on September 30?

If the eviction moratorium is finally lifted, property owners can issue a 3-day notice to pay on October 1, 2021. You can only do so after verifying that you’ve applied for rental relief funding and waited for at least 20 days before serving the eviction papers.

Property owners will also be paid 100% of their back rent by qualifying tenants with the help of government funding. If you’ve already received 80% of your back pay, you’ll be eligible to receive the remaining 20%.

In saying this, there’s still a chance that the eviction moratorium will still be extended. The pandemic’s effects are still felt by the community and preventing evictions from occurring will prevent negative health outcomes, homelessness, and loss of life.

Parks Property Management Can Help You

Property managementWe strongly encourage you to give us a call on (925) 500-8030 to discuss your specific needs. Whether it’s filing for rental relief, considering potential evictions, or just needing someone to talk to, contact us at Parks Property Management.