by Scott Parks | Aug 21, 2020 | Investing in Rental Properties, Owner Education, Property Management Education
Pricing your Brentwood rental property correctly is a critical part of reducing vacancy and attracting a well-qualified tenant. We wish there was some scientific formula that we could rely on, but it often requires experience in the local market and an understanding...
by Scott Parks | Jul 10, 2020 | Investing in Rental Properties, Owner Education, Property Management Education
Brentwood property management fees will vary depending on several factors, including: The type of property or properties you own The number of homes you need managed The services you require Every management company structures their fees a little bit differently. Some...
by Scott Parks | Jun 26, 2020 | Investing in Rental Properties, Owner Education, Property Management Education
Trying to sell a Brentwood home can be frustrating, even in a strong market. Perhaps you’re having trouble attracting buyers because there’s so much competition. Or, maybe you can’t seem to get the price you want. When your home isn’t selling, you have to keep up with...
by Scott Parks | Jun 12, 2020 | Investing in Rental Properties, Owner Education, Property Management Education
If you have decided to rent out your Brentwood property, you are putting yourself in an excellent position to establish some financial security and begin building wealth. Investing in real estate comes with a lot of benefits. It also involves risk, and if you’ve never...
by Scott Parks | May 29, 2020 | Investing in Rental Properties, Owner Education, Property Management Education
If you own an investment property or you’re thinking about renting out a Brentwood home you once lived in, you’ll have a lot of decisions and plans to make. The first thing you need to decide is whether you’ll manage the home on your own or whether you’ll hire a...
by Scott Parks | May 15, 2020 | Investing in Rental Properties, Owner Education, Property Management Education
Choosing a Brentwood property management company can seem a little overwhelming, especially if you’re not exactly sure about what you should be looking for. Before you sign a management agreement and hand over one of your largest assets, you should ask a few questions...